Now, the variable appears in the Watch window. To watch a variable while debugging, add it to the Watch window by right-clicking the variable or the DataTip and selecting Add Watch. The Watch window provides an advanced way to examine a variable. Improving Project Load Performance Search in Watch window Doing so will restore and resume the existing state of the solution when opening the VS 2019 IDE, improving the solution’s load performance. To improve the performance of a project or solution, navigate to Tools > Options > Project and Solutions, and then clear the Restore Solution Explorer project hierarchy state on solution load check box. Code Cleanup Button Improve performance when loading a project To run Code Cleanup, click the broom icon at the bottom of the editor, or press Ctrl+ K and Ctrl+ E. Visual Studio 2019 provides on-demand formatting for a code file, including code style preferences, through the Code Cleanup feature. Run web application in multiple browsers.

Track active file inside Solution Explorer.

This blog compiles tips and tricks that will make you more productive when using Visual Studio 2019. Visual Studio 2019 is packed with new features for smartly handling code for different projects.